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Dr Neil Kemp MBE, OBE

Dr Neil Kemp MBE, OBE

Neil’s research and consultancy interests relate to the internationalisation of education, transnational education, international student mobility and, more broadly the economics of education. He has worked and lived overseas for over 20 years, including as a British Council country director; countries include India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Kenya and Pakistan.

For the British Council, Neil was also director for international development projects, Director, Science and Technology Division and Director Education UK. He is currently Board Member for the Hornby Education Trust and other previous responsibilities include: Visiting Fellow, Institute of Education, University College London; board member, Open University Worldwide; board member, Institute for Development Studies, University of Sussex; visiting lecturer for MA in International Higher Education Management, Edge Hill University, UK.  

Neil commenced employment as an apprentice in industry and, after a physical sciences degree, completed a PhD in electron spectroscopy at Swansea University. After working in India and Indonesia he developed an interest in the economics of education, labour markets and education planning and enrolled as a research associate at the Institute of Education (UCL).

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