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CEC Commonwealth Horizons: Student Voices – from home and abroad *** POSTPONED ***

We are sorry to have to announce that CEC has decided to postpone its ‘Student Voices’ conference scheduled for 1 November until the Spring. We are doing this following much deliberation as we have really excellent speakers lined up (including a strong group of students); institutions and organisations contacted also agreed that the topic is very relevant. However we have found it very challenging to attract student delegates for the event so early in the Academic Year. Additionally staff are under great pressure across the HE sector at present, and our potential university partners said they found it impossible to commit time to draw together staff and students to represent them as delegates.


We do intend to re-launch the event again in the Spring and will be seeking ideas from colleagues across the sector. We will be in touch with you in due course. 


Many thanks for your continuing interest ….


Students, both international and from the UK, pay considerable sums of money to attend universities and understandably they look for high quality support.

This year’s CEC Commonwealth Horizon focuses on students and the role of institutions - in terms of support for learning and teaching, research, living experiences and also preparation for future employment. The starting point for our conference is the students: we want to listen to them, to understand better their ever-evolving expectations and learn of experiences to date.

We will explore some best practice examples from universities and also consider how research can serve to highlight where gaps might be.


Confirmed speakers include:

  • Will Archer, founder and previously CEO of i-graduate international insight
  • Phil Baty, Global Rankings Editor, Times Higher Education
  • Dr Neil Kemp OBE, CEC Board member
  • Sonny Leong CBE, CEO of the Civil Service College and Chair CEC
  • Dr David Pilsbury, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Coventry University
  • Dominic Scott OBE, CEO, UKCISA
  • Dr Mary Stiasny OBE, Pro-Vice Chancellor, University of London
  • Yinbo Yu, NUS International Officer

Other invited speakers include:

  • Rt Hon Liam Byrne MP, former Shadow Minister (Digital Economy, Culture, Media and Sport)
  • Commonwealth Scholars representatives
  • Presidents University Student Unions.

While there will be some specific considerations relating to international students (particularly from Commonwealth countries) the issues will have strong relevance for all students, and at all levels of study.

Who will this benefit?

Students (international, Commonwealth, Europe and the UK); University senior managers; International teams in institutions; Embassies and High Commission staff; and all organisations with interests in students and student support.

Delegate fees

Students:   £25 | CEC Members:   £30 | Other delegates:   £50 

Note: the fee covers the costs of lunch and refreshments at the University of London venue

Please download flyer HERE




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