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Appointment of Trustees

Appointment of Trustees for the Council for Education in the Commonwealth

The Board of Trustees are seeking individuals to join its existing Board. At a time of growth and development, we are looking for individuals with substantial expertise in any one or more of the following and we would like to hear from you:

  • Financial Planning and Strategy
  • Fund Raising and Grant application bids
  • International Education Networks

Job Description

Job Title: Trustee of the Council for Education in the Commonwealth (CEC)

Reports to:  Chair of Trustees

The information provided in this Job Description is given to ensure that the post holder has the best opportunity of understanding what is required to be effective in the post. It is not intended to be prescriptive in every detail and it is expected that the post holder will be as positive and flexible as possible in using this as a framework.

Overall Aim

To be a member of the Board of Trustees that provides visionary leadership and expertise and safeguards the CEC's reputation and assets.

Key Objectives

  • Ensuring that the CEC has a clear vision, mission and strategic
    direction, is focused on achieving these, and works in partnership
    the CEC's stakeholders;
  • Being responsible for the performance of the CEC and for its
    corporate behaviour;
  • Ensuring that the CEC complies with all its legal and regulatory
  • Acting as guardians of the CEC's assets, both tangible and
    intangible, taking all due care over their security, deployment and
    proper application;
  • Ensuring that the CEC's governance is of a very high standard

Person Specification

A prospective trustee of the CEC should have most of the following characteristics:


  • A commitment to the aims of the CEC
  • Has experience
  • The highest personal and professional integrity
  • Recognised as having the gift of leadership
  • Good interpersonal skills
  • Strong discernment skills
  • Appreciates diversity in the background and opinion of others
  • Able to contribute as a team member
  • Works effectively as part of a group, accepting the principles of co-operation and interdependence
  • Able to deal constructively with conflicts of ideas and opinions
  • Willing to recognise change and the need for change
  • Has a capacity to learn
  • Willing to take calculated risks
  • Has a capacity for objective self-assessment


  • Be prepared to give the necessary time and effort to the management of the CEC
  • Be able to bring a special, individual expertise which strengthens the board as a whole and allows the board, as a team, to carry out its responsibilities better in the service of the CEC. Can help the CEC achieve its aims through his/her expertise or commitment
  • Understands and accepts that trusteeship carries legal duties and responsibilities
  • Is able to avoid any conflict of interest

 Specific Time Requirements

Trustees need to commit to meet 4 times a year for half day Board meetings, 4 times a year for possible half day sub-committee meetings and to other additional time outside of these meetings for reading appropriate material, occasional training, telephone conferences and informal discussions usually held via email or SKYPE. In broad terms the total time commitment is circa 8-10 days per year.

Recruitment Process

You should make your application online at

When applying online please submit a letter of application, including a brief personal statement demonstrating how you meet the above person specification.

For an informal confidential discussion call Richard Evans on 07958 984161 or 020 3126 4858

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