Annual Conference “Leading the Elephant out of the Bush – Education and Business together Bridging the Gap
Organised by the Council for Education in the Commonwealth and the University of Namibia
Date: 28 – 31 Aug 2017 | Venue: Safari Hotel & Conference Centre, Windhoek, Namibia
Registration Fee: International delegates N$5,000 or US$420 (Click HERE to register)
Conference Aim
To explore ways in which education, business and industry can work together to ensure financially sustainable and innovative approaches to education that will teach the new generation of entrepreneurs and teachers to thrive in the 21st Century workplace.
Conference objectives:
- To create mutual beneficiation between education, business and industry
- To create business and education alliances that promote innovation, enterprise and 21st century workplace skills
- To strengthen the bridge between schools, tertiary education and industry
- To explore the impact of social innovation and Entrepreneurial Eco-systems on education and society
- To explore the ever-increasing role of digital learning on access to quality teaching and learning
Expected Outcomes of the Conference:
- An enriched understanding of the aspects of education that address innovation, students’ employability and entrepreneurship
- In-depth understanding of the different links of education levels i.e. schools and tertiary
- Capacity building on education ‘Best Practices’ from a variety of nations
- Better understanding of the education impact on Knowledge Economy
Expected Participants:
- All interested Education stakeholders
- Education managers
- University Academics
- Head of Higher Education Institutions
- Students
- Civil Society
Call for Abstracts:
Abstracts should correspond to the following thematic areas for the Conference:
- The importance of Education in Economic Development
- Education and Business
- Education as a driver for Economic growth
- Closing the gap between education and Business
- Education as an engineer for Knowledge Economy
- Networking in Education
- Education, IT & Innovation
- Research in Education
- Best Practices: Education and Funding
- Education and Employability
- Entrepreneurship through Education
Abstract Specifications:
- Title of the Paper and relevant thematic area
- Name/s of author/s
- Maximum of 500 words (12 Font size, single spaced)
All Abstracts should be sent electronically to Conference Secretariat, at: Email: [email protected] and/or [email protected]
Deadline for abstracts: Tuesday, 16 May 2017
The contact persons (in Namibia):
Dr.Charmaine Villet, UNAM: E-mail- [email protected] or Mr Edwin Tjiramba, UNAM: E-mail – [email protected]
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